Wednesday, August 15, 2012

DIY garden project: An old wooden stool is turned into a tall planter.

     Do you have any items sitting around in your backyard that you don't want to just throw away?  I know I did.  I had a set of wobbly old wooden bar stools that were falling apart.  The wood was still very solid and I thought of several re-purposed uses that these stools could have.  The best idea was to turn them into planters using leftover wood from another project.  I had bought extra cedar wood earlier in the year to build shelves in my closet and there was plenty left for at least one planter, so I began.

I cut the wood to match the angle of the legs...

...screwed it all together...

... and now you have a nice pot, or a puggle trap!

And this is the finished product.  I planted a Buddha hand citron in the pot which grows fantastic fruit! 

Recycle a T-shirt into a Reusable Shopping Bag

I saw this idea floating around the interweb recently and decided to give it a try.  It was so very simple that  I was able to make two bags in under 10 min!

Simply cut off the sleeves and the neck of the shirt.  Then flip the shirt inside out and sew up the bottom.  Thats it, and did I mention simple?

I used this method to save some old shirts I never wear but didn't want to get rid of.  Always try to reduce your waste, re-use it when possible, and recycle whenever you can! :)