Wednesday, August 15, 2012

DIY garden project: An old wooden stool is turned into a tall planter.

     Do you have any items sitting around in your backyard that you don't want to just throw away?  I know I did.  I had a set of wobbly old wooden bar stools that were falling apart.  The wood was still very solid and I thought of several re-purposed uses that these stools could have.  The best idea was to turn them into planters using leftover wood from another project.  I had bought extra cedar wood earlier in the year to build shelves in my closet and there was plenty left for at least one planter, so I began.

I cut the wood to match the angle of the legs...

...screwed it all together...

... and now you have a nice pot, or a puggle trap!

And this is the finished product.  I planted a Buddha hand citron in the pot which grows fantastic fruit! 

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