Saturday, December 19, 2009

My secret garden. Dedicated to birds, bees, and butterflies!

I have a secret garden under old oak trees. It is a place to relax and breathe. It is a place where life begins, is sustained, and sometimes ends. Palms cluster tightly to hide me from strangers passing by. Slowly, the once barren earth gives way to a seething mass of roots which shoot stalks up high into the sky. These tendrils defy gravity as they climb higher deploying lush green solar panels called leaves. Just as the tangle begins to becomes wonderful, flowers appear and blow the mind like the stars can at night.

Butterflies and birds begin to notice what is happening. By careful selection a bee and butterfly garden has begun, natural, organic, sustaining...

I want to share the earth with people! I want people to see what I see when I see a boring yard or tiny patio. I see potential, the garden not yet dug. The patio garden not yet started, growing delicious crisp vegetables and aromatic fresh herbs. I want everyone who wants fresh homegrown vegetables to be able to have them. There is no greater pleasure I have found yet that beats gardening.

Watching butterflies land and nourish themselves on their favorite flower is wonderful. Watching them lay eggs that hatch and turn from caterpillar to butterfly again before your eyes is amazing!!
Also, with the decline in the number of bees I have been glad to see local bees enjoying my flowers. If only this patio were larger, the secret garden could go on forever, until it becomes known to all. We can all have our secret garden growing whatever we want. All we have to do is try!

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